019 - Alison Ellwood, director of Laurel Canyon documentary, talks with us about the making of the film.

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This show we are talking with the director of the new Documentary: Laurel Canyon, Alison Ellwood. This two part documentary is all about the musicians that lived in the hills of Hollywood called Laurel Canyon. So much fantastic music came out of this time and this area during the 60’s & 70’s. If you haven’t seen the two part documentary, you can find it on the EPIX channel. Alison tells us the stories behind the stories as she passionately, has been working on this project for a while.

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Laurel Canyon can be seen on EPIX Check your local cable company, or sign up for a free trail through Amazon Prime https://www.epix.com/series/laurel-canyon

Laurel Canyon trailer one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPJs7R15IXI

Henry Diltz: work & prints can be found at Morrison Hotel Gallery: https://www.morrisonhotelgallery.com/photographers/HZF6ag/Henry-Diltz

Nurit Wilde’s work can be found and ordered on her website:  http://www.wildeimages.com/

Gary Burden is mentioned regarding his famous art design for many artists album covers. Take a look at some of his work: http://garyburdenforrtwerk.com/discography/

Special thanks to Jim & Helene Ladd for being our friends and coordinating the interview! Jim Ladd can be heard on Sirius XM Radio!