Show - 004: Don't be Snowblind!!!! James "JY" Young from Styx talks with us!
/CW, JY & RW
This episode we are speaking with one of the top performers in Rock History! He is know for his song writing, guitar playing amazing vocals, founding member of the band Styx. He is an all round amazing, fantastic guy: James “JY” Young. We caught up with JY while he was making a brief and we mean brief stop in Los Angeles.
JY talks about the early days of putting the band together, Bo Diddley being one of his major influences. Growing up in Chicago and the different bands and types of music that influenced him. And why he got a degree in Aerospace Technology. JY tells us his history with the current band members and how he and the guys take care of themselves while going on the extensive tours each year! And he talks about why the band didn’t accept the offer to headline the US Festival in 1982. We also discuss how Mr. Roboto was the downfall to the band breaking up on the 80’s. Plus James fills us in on touring with Ted Nugent and his take on the band getting into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. And all the amazing bands that he saw as a kid!
Show Notes:
First off, WOW! Thanks so much for JY
There is a point in the conversation that JY is talking about Billy Bob Thornton. JY mentions “Ladd”. This is in reference to Jim Ladd who use to be the night time DJ at KLOS Radio where both Rita and CW worked.
Check out Styx’ latest album The Mission – we say support your local music shop, but if you have to, you can always order through Amazon:
Cool Videos to check out:
Styx playing with the Contemporary Youth Orchestra of Cleveland:
Radio Silence (live) from The Mission album:
Gone Gone Gone from The Mission album:
Return to Paradise – full concert video from 1997:
Facebook page:
Instagram: styxtheband
The official website:
Upcoming Tour dates:
Unofficial James “JY” Young fan site:
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JY’s winning prize from the Bonus Round.